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Real Estate | Agrisim

Your Offers

Provide a better service for your customers by enhancing your offers with rich insights.

Instant Results

All you have to do is to locate the farmlands and draw their boundaries

Economic Potential

Offer your clients an evaluation of potential earnings from agricultural activities.

Land characteristics

Get all the historical climate and soil data of the farmland as well as humidity, wind...

Improve Your Service
Your Results

Using Agrisim helps us to identify farmlands that would match better with our clients' criteria. Reports about the agricultural potential as well as land characteristics play a big role for our clients decision process.

Delphine , Real Estate Agent

Make a Difference

You can differentiate your service by offering your clients an evaluation of any farmland or area they are interested in.

Provide Reliable Pricing

By evaluating the characteristics, you can easily provide an accurate and reliable price for offers both for buyers and sellers.

Use Unbiased Insights

Agrisim is an independent tool that is globally used. You can ensure your clients with unbiased insights.

Ease Decision Making Process

By providing reports about the considered options, you can help your clients with their decision making.

Evaluate Farmlands

For anyone who wants to invest in a farmland for future or plans to move rural areas either to enjoy remote working or retirement.

Find the best Land for Investing

Agrisim makes it easy to find suitable land for a specific goal. You can search all over the world the best spots to grow products or to invest.

Differentiate your service & Increase your Revenue.